Project Green
  • For some, 
    green space is a luxury.

    A recent study found children with more access to nature showed greater ability to learn, enhanced memory, increased attention span and greater ability to engage with others.   


  • For others it is only a dream.

    “People living in low-income communities aren’t getting sufficient access to this health-promoting resource [nature], and when they do have access, the area tends to be more polluted, the park facilities are not as well-maintained, and there is less park programming and less energy going into the programs offered,”  

    -Michael Jerrett, Professor and Chair UCLA Department of Environmental Health Sciences

  • At Project Green we believe

    Green space should be accessible for all children.

    Our mission is to make summer camp and green space a reality for low income and foster children from America's inner cities.

Upcoming Events

Suwanee Taste of BBQ & Live Music

Annual Project Green Winter Fundraiser

"The Retreat" during Sundance Film Festival 2020

Urgent Needs

  Project Green @projectgreen501c3 Sponsors Kids to Summer Camps and Educational Excursions even during Covid-19.  Please Donate here for this ongoing Kids Support.

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How you can help:

Helping the children couldn't be possible without the help of people like you.  We need you to volunteer, donate, and join our community. Every little bit helps.

Our Sponsors

Project Green is working to put together a network of ecofriendly sponsors.  If your company has a heart for kids and an environmentally conscience product, please contact us to learn how you can help us work towards a greener tomorrow.